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Gift Wrapping Tips

28th Nov 2017

Gift Wrapping Tips

Wrapping Christmas presents can either be a fun and festive time or a last minute scramble late on Christmas Eve. We aren't experts, but we've compiled some of our favorite gift wrapping tips to help you this holiday season. 

  1. Wrap as you buy - This can be tough if you're a last minute shopper, but try wrapping a few gifts at a time as you purchase them. Add them underneath your tree as you go for added decor. 
  2. Create a "gift wrap station" - whether it's in a spare bedroom or just a drawer full of supplies, create a station with enough room and everything you need so it's easy to complete and everything is in one spot. That way you won't be in the middle of wrapping and have to search for the scissors. 
  3. Go for a theme - Buy paper, ribbons, and tags that fit into a theme or color family. You can match to your Christmas tree ornaments or go bold and experiment with fun colors and patterns. We've also found it helpful to wrap gifts in different paper for each person. This tip comes in handy if you forget a tag after it's already wrapped!
  4. Skip the bags - Gift bags are easy, but they lack the personal touch of a nicely wrapped present. The joy of untying a ribbon from a gift is a feeling that a gift bag cannot compete with. 
  5. Gift boxes for the win - Put everything in a box if possible. It's much easier to wrap a rectangular box than an odd shaped item. 
  6. Get in the spirit - Turn on the holiday music as you wrap. It'll get you in the holiday spirit instead of looking at wrapping presents as a chore. Eating Christmas cookies during wrapping is also something we highly suggest.
  7. Last but not least, call in reinforcements - If you do start to get overwhelmed with wrapping, ask for help! Have each of your kids wrap a few presents for dad or their siblings to ensure there aren't any spoiled surprises. 

We hope our gift wrapping tips help you this holiday season as you wrap presents for your friends and family. Have a very merry Christmas!